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Colorful English Letter Number Decorative Flat Stickers Cards Diy Planner Marking Material Stickers Office Stationery
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Mô tả sản phẩm
  • Colorful Korean INS Design:These stickers feature a vibrant Korean INS design, adding a touch of trendy flair to your belongings.
  • Alphabet and Number Decor:The alphabet and number decoration makes these stickers versatile, perfect for decorating notebooks, scrapbooks, and more.
  • DIY Hand Account Marker:Ideal for DIY hand account markers, these stickers allow you to personalize your items however you like.
  • High-Quality Material:Made from high-quality material, these stickers are durable and long-lasting, ensuring they stay in place for a long time.
  • Easy to Use:These stickers are easy to use, simply peel off the backing and stick them wherever you want.
  • Plenty of Stickers:With plenty of stickers included, you'll have plenty of fun decorating your items.
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Mã số doanh nghiệp: 202223678E Ngày cấp: 07/07/2022Địa chỉ: 68 Circular Road, #02-01 049422, Singapore