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Spruce Wood Shoe Stretcher Sandalwood Shoe Shaper Protector Moisture-proof Expander Home Daily Use Accessories
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400-9999 bộ
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Đã bán149bộ trong 90 ngày
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Thuộc tính hàng hoá
Mô tả sản phẩm
  • High-Quality Material:Crafted from premium snow pine wood, these shoe inserts offer superior quality and durability.
  • Protective Function:These shoe inserts are designed to protect your shoes from moisture and expand, thus preventing them from becoming moldy or rotting.
  • Bulk Purchase:Available for bulk purchase, these shoe inserts are ideal for shoe stores or large families looking for affordable yet high-quality products.
  • Easy to Use:These shoe inserts are easy to install and remove, making them convenient for everyday use.
  • Versatile Application:Whether you're using them in sneakers, hiking boots, or formal shoes, these shoe inserts are versatile and suitable for various footwear.
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Bản quyền thuộc công ty Sabo Technology Pte. Ltd.
Mã số doanh nghiệp: 202223678E Ngày cấp: 07/07/2022Địa chỉ: 68 Circular Road, #02-01 049422, Singapore